Before engaging Nrgwise to assist them to reduce their power bills, R & M Engineering was using on average between 150 to 200 Kw/Hrs per day to power their Engineering business in Sale. This was costing them between $1,000 and $1,200 per month.
Before Bill
After a audit of where they could make their greatest, most cost effective energy savings, it was decided replacing their aging 13 Metal Hallide High bay lights in their workshop with high efficiency LED High bay lights. This gave them much more light in their workshop and reduced their lighting consumption by over 66%. Once the savings from their new lighting was calculated, a 30 Kw solar system was the most appropriately sized system to minimise the remainder of their power bills.
The lighting and 30 Kw solar system was installed in October November of 2015. In November their average daily power consumption was down to approx 30 Kw/Hrs down from over 150 Kw/hrs per day in September. Their December, January power bill was down by 80% from same time last year.
Another Happy Nrgwise cutomer
After Bill